Applications for Christmas 2021 opened 11/6/21 @ 1201am.
Step 1: Fill out the Pre-Application here:
Step 2: You will hear from us via email within 72 hours. Families who are eligible will receive a link to the complete 2020 Long-Form application. That application needs to be filled out completely and submitted.
Step 3: When your long form application is received, it will be reviewed and within 72 hours, will appear on the status page here:
After a family is approved, the details of their needs will be added to our sponsored families page here:
Please know we are doing our best, replying to requests and speaking to the potential families as quickly as possible. It takes time to review and respond to the forms and emails and all this data must be manually entered on the website; those updates all take time so please be patient. If you believe your information should have appeared on our site and it is not, please contact us via email at [email protected]
Step 2: You will hear from us via email within 72 hours. Families who are eligible will receive a link to the complete 2020 Long-Form application. That application needs to be filled out completely and submitted.
Step 3: When your long form application is received, it will be reviewed and within 72 hours, will appear on the status page here:
After a family is approved, the details of their needs will be added to our sponsored families page here:
Please know we are doing our best, replying to requests and speaking to the potential families as quickly as possible. It takes time to review and respond to the forms and emails and all this data must be manually entered on the website; those updates all take time so please be patient. If you believe your information should have appeared on our site and it is not, please contact us via email at [email protected]
About the application process:
Applications for family assistance will be considered based on multiple factors- We have limits due to the nature of the program. Everything we do is based on the donations we're able to collect. We do our best to help as many families as possible, while not overlapping too many kids who are close in age and the same gender, that way we can make the most of all donations.
(For example- if we are already helping families with little boys ages 2, 4, 6, 7 and 7- we are going to look for families with young girls to help. Its important to spread the ages and genders of the kids, because we only collect so many donations that would be appropriate for, say, 8 year old girls. If we accepted six families with girls close in age, we wouldn't be able to give each family enough items to feel that we sufficiently helped that child.)
We will take into consideration all the factors asked about on the application. We cannot guarantee anyone will be accepted and we cannot discuss our decisions about the process. We can not & will not disclose how or why selections were made. Fairness is very important to us- No decisions are ever made based on factors such as race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.
We reserve the right to choose families based on our ability to help & a multitude of other considerations. We will never disclose our reasons for accepting or denying any application.
Applications DO NOT need to be submitted by a member of the family - however, we will need to speak to the adult / parent in the family prior to actually accepting that family for assistance.
Please answer as completely and honestly as possible! None of the answers to these questions are guaranteed REJECTIONS- For example, if your family is receiving assistance from another organization- it is possible that we could help your family AND another - so please don't anticipate answers and change your answers according to what you think will get you approved - PLEASE be HONEST.
*** Our only restriction; We only work with families only one time in a five year period. If we have helped a family previously, we limit assistance for the following 5 years in order to help as many families as possible. This restriction applies to any blood relative or household member of a family we have previously assisted. ***
You will be notified as quickly as possible of your application's status once application approvals have begun. If your family has received a "wait list" status- we encourage you to continue to seek other assistance as we can not make any promises about how many wait-listed families will be moved up by Dec 20th, 2019.
Thank you!
Applications for family assistance will be considered based on multiple factors- We have limits due to the nature of the program. Everything we do is based on the donations we're able to collect. We do our best to help as many families as possible, while not overlapping too many kids who are close in age and the same gender, that way we can make the most of all donations.
(For example- if we are already helping families with little boys ages 2, 4, 6, 7 and 7- we are going to look for families with young girls to help. Its important to spread the ages and genders of the kids, because we only collect so many donations that would be appropriate for, say, 8 year old girls. If we accepted six families with girls close in age, we wouldn't be able to give each family enough items to feel that we sufficiently helped that child.)
We will take into consideration all the factors asked about on the application. We cannot guarantee anyone will be accepted and we cannot discuss our decisions about the process. We can not & will not disclose how or why selections were made. Fairness is very important to us- No decisions are ever made based on factors such as race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.
We reserve the right to choose families based on our ability to help & a multitude of other considerations. We will never disclose our reasons for accepting or denying any application.
Applications DO NOT need to be submitted by a member of the family - however, we will need to speak to the adult / parent in the family prior to actually accepting that family for assistance.
Please answer as completely and honestly as possible! None of the answers to these questions are guaranteed REJECTIONS- For example, if your family is receiving assistance from another organization- it is possible that we could help your family AND another - so please don't anticipate answers and change your answers according to what you think will get you approved - PLEASE be HONEST.
*** Our only restriction; We only work with families only one time in a five year period. If we have helped a family previously, we limit assistance for the following 5 years in order to help as many families as possible. This restriction applies to any blood relative or household member of a family we have previously assisted. ***
You will be notified as quickly as possible of your application's status once application approvals have begun. If your family has received a "wait list" status- we encourage you to continue to seek other assistance as we can not make any promises about how many wait-listed families will be moved up by Dec 20th, 2019.
Thank you!
PLEASE send any QUESTIONS about Project Christmas
(with the SUBJECT "PROJECT CHRISTMAS" so your message isn't missed) - to [email protected]
Please know that all information is kept confidential. We do not release the names of the families who are requesting or receiving help because we believe that DIGNITY is crucial. Some recipients choose to share photos, or make a thank-you message public. This is done by choice - we do not require any kind of public recognition. While we love to hear from the families about how we've been able to help them - we would never want anyone to share identifying information that might embarrass them or their children.
Please Remember: Being in need, or receiving help, should never be a source of embarrassment.
We ALL need help at times in our lives.
We are giving families a HAND UP: not a hand-out.
(with the SUBJECT "PROJECT CHRISTMAS" so your message isn't missed) - to [email protected]
Please know that all information is kept confidential. We do not release the names of the families who are requesting or receiving help because we believe that DIGNITY is crucial. Some recipients choose to share photos, or make a thank-you message public. This is done by choice - we do not require any kind of public recognition. While we love to hear from the families about how we've been able to help them - we would never want anyone to share identifying information that might embarrass them or their children.
Please Remember: Being in need, or receiving help, should never be a source of embarrassment.
We ALL need help at times in our lives.
We are giving families a HAND UP: not a hand-out.