** Project Christmas 2022 **
Due to Covid-19, this year's extended quarantine, the precautions that must be taken to protect our family's precarious health, as well as our financial situation as a result of this year's events- we have had to make changes to how Project Christmas will operate. This means contact-free ways to assist the families in need are more important than ever before. By donating to the GoFundMe, or purchasing from our Amazon Wish List, you are directly supporting children in need, and ensuring we can help as many children as possible to have a safe & happy Christmas this year.
Due to Covid-19, this year's extended quarantine, the precautions that must be taken to protect our family's precarious health, as well as our financial situation as a result of this year's events- we have had to make changes to how Project Christmas will operate. This means contact-free ways to assist the families in need are more important than ever before. By donating to the GoFundMe, or purchasing from our Amazon Wish List, you are directly supporting children in need, and ensuring we can help as many children as possible to have a safe & happy Christmas this year.

As a result, it will be more important than ever before to get your family's pre-application in EARLY, and for those applying to respond & to follow all instructions given via email / text in a timely manner, in order for us to be able to effectively assist whomever we are able. We thank all applicants for your cooperation and patience during this stressful time!
** Pre-Applications open Nov 15 at midnight **
Apply for assistance: Click HERE.
Check your Application Status:
See your Application Status Here
See the Families we're Assisting So Far:
This year's Sponsored Families
It will not be possible to hold Project Christmas 2022 without your support.
Please Contribute if you can. There are many ways to support Project Christmas.
The Safest Way to Give to the Families in Need:
Order from our Amazon Wish List or Donate to Our GoFundMe
Project Christmas has a new DIRECT / Easy to Remember Website:

Project Christmas 2022 Updates;
We will begin updating the site in Nov 2022 to prepare for this year's ProjectChristmasNJ!
Last Year's Project Updates
December 8, 2021: *The pre-applications are now officially closed.* We had to close the pre-applications two days early this year because of the sudden, massive influx that we've suddenly received on the last few days, we're so sorry! If you've already completed a pre-application - you STILL HAVE until 12/10 at midnite.
Pre-approved families have just under 48 hours to get those necessary long-form applications completed so they can still be considered for sponsorship.
Remember - we're prioritizing families with Covid vaccinations- so if your family doesn't already have your shot - GO GET IT!
Our GoFundMe has increased thanks especially to one large ($500) donation - we sincerely can not even begin to thank ALL of our donors enough - but this donation especially was massive to the whole project and we simply can not thank you enough. We are so incredibly grateful that we've now collected $1585 - but we're still quite a ways away from being able to serve ALL of the very wonderful, very deserving families who have qualified for our help. In order to accept ALL the families who qualified -we would need to raise the FULL $4800 goal - so please - keep sharing the link - keep telling those who haven't heard - please let every one know what Project Christmas NJ does for our community.
You can give online by clicking here:
*Please remember* - Project Christmas has ZERO paid staff. We have ZERO overhead - as the Evans Family covers the entire cost to run this yearly project - so every single penny donated goes DIRECTLY to the families we serve.
(By "overhead / cost of the project" - we are referring to the actual costs to operate this yearly charity. Storage units for multiple storage units (one is yearly, several others we rent just during the holiday season), MANY many tanks of gas, thousands of black & white photo copies, website hosting & web development fees, Facebook & Instagram advertising, bags for clothing, sharpie markers, signage, etc- all of those very necessary yearly costs are covered by the @EvansFamilyLegoProject (Aka- Kristie and Justin Evans of Voorhees, NJ.) The cost to run the project, NOT including the rent for our warehouse, is approximately $4500 a year. We don't include the warehouse cost because we use the warehouse primarily for the Lego Project throughout the year, and from Oct-January Project Christmas takes over the space.)
2021 Project Updates
December 7, 2021: Today Kaedin and Kristie hand-delivered more than 400 flyers to families in Staffordshire Farms (Voorhees) and Short Hills (Cherry Hill). We will continue flyer distribution for the next week. Flyers are our #1 way of reaching new donors - and if you've found us (and our website) through flyer distribution - we THANK YOU sincerely for coming to check out what we do here at Project Christmas!
Due to a sudden MASSIVE influx in applications - we have had to stop accepting pre-applications early. (We had over 100 applications on Dec 6th & 7th alone). We will leave pre-applications online for families who have ONLY children under the age of 8 (as those are the families who it is easiest for us to serve) - and we will continue accepting the long-form applications from all the pre-approved families until midnight on December 10th. Remember- while we FULLY serve the sponsored families with ALL of their holiday needs (Tree/lights/ornaments/décor - household cleaning products - toiletries - gift wrap - clothing - and ALL needed gifts for all of their family members) - we ALSO provide SOME assistance each year (as much as is possible with whatever we've collected/raised) - to more than 50 families and upwards of 100 kids. While we could never sponsor ALL the families who apply - we do our best to assist ALL the families in whatever way possible - so the more donations we collect, the more items that are donated - the more kids & families we can help. There is NO limit to the number of families we'll serve - that ultimate bottom line is always based entirely on the amount of money in our GoFundMe and the total number of items we've collected as of the date we start packing for distribution.
December3, 2021: The GoFundMe account has raised $880 - we're still
December 2, 2021: Over 4,000 flyers will be distributed locally this week by our mother/son team. We have nearly 90 kids on our wait list that are not yet sponsored. Applications are only open 8 more days and final notices were sent to more than 15 families who haven't filled out a full application despite being qualified for assistance and emailed 4 reminders of the impending deadline (this happens every year sadly!) Our first ten families are sponsored & we're doing our vest to get the family bios up on our website.
December 1, 2021: Our team is packing clothing donations and has processed more than 200 bags of clothes in the past 72 hours. We're preparing to distribute trees and décor to 40+ families (10 sponsored plus our wait-list families).
November 24, 2021 Our forms crashed our website and we realized we were only receiving SOME of our applications. We tried to rectify this with Weebly- who first denied the issues, then admitted but couldn't fix them- it put us almost four days behind schedule but we rebuilt the forms and straightened out the missing applications - PICTURES from 2020 are now up on our website and Facebook!
November 21, 2021: Our team found a major issue with applications not coming in through our site. We posted reminders to CONTACT US ASAP if you didn't see your application status on our status page within 3 days.
November 16, 2021: We are once again so proud to be working with the wonderful team at Blessed Edmund Early education, who is collecting for Project Christmas; we're so thankful!
November 14, 2021: We're hard at work in our warehouse. We now have a donation trailer at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043 (same address as in the past)- for safe, on-camera, 24/7 all-weather donation drop-off, something we never had available before! This will allow us to spend less time loading and driving cars loads of donations to our NEW West-Berlin warehouse where we will be packing for the families instead of storage units this year!
November 11, 2021: The first three families are sponsored - they'll be notified today, and their profiles will go up on the site HERE ASAP.
November 8, 2021: Applications are open and text message alerts have been sent - our GoFundme is online an active, and this year's Amazon wish list has been made current and is ready for orders!
November 5, 2021: Pre-applications for 2021 will be open starting at midnight on November 6th, 2021:
Please check the application page at www.ProjectChristmasNJ.com to apply.
Past Project Christmas Updates:
December 06, 2020: We have rented THREE large storage units and have been collecting donations (as well as sorting items received over all of 2020). We have almost completed our sort, and we will continue to add all donated items, allowing us to have a complete over-view of what we have available to assist families. We currently have FOUR sponsored families, consisting of 11 children, currently approved for assistance - however, we've had over 70 applications with a total of over 100 children who still need our help!
Your donations are needed more than ever before. We can only approve new families for sponsorship as we receive the donations (both physical items and financial contributions) in order to be able to assist the families in need. We urge all donors to consider either contributing to our GoFundMe or by ordering from Our Amazon Wish List. These are the fastest ways to ensure that we can continue to add more children.
Nov 24, 2020: Our amazon custom Gift Registry has been added, so you can order donations for the families in need without ever leaving your home! If you would like to help contribute to the families in need, you can choose items directly from the kids wish lists (as well as the family's needs!) here: https://www.amazon.com/registries/custom/1KXRPLOGAXCC3/guest-view
November 22, 2020: The first 7 children have been sponsored and their family's wish lists are added to our website. We want to add more families ASAP, but need to increase donations! http://www.projectchristmasnj.com/2020-families.html
Nov 17, 2020: Necessary changes are announced regarding how Christmas 2020 will operate due to Covid-19. Updates can be found at www.projectchristmasnj.com
November 3, 2020: The pre-applications are live and have begun pouring in.
Oct 27, 2020: The Pre-Application form is now online and available. Those families who are eligible will be given a link to the complete long-form application. If you have filled out a long form application, you can see the status of your application within 72 hrs here:
October 14, 2020: 2020 Family assistance application Opening Date is announced and website is updated for Christmas 2020.
Project Christmas 2019 Past Updates:
Dec 19 2019; Applications for assistance are now CLOSED for the year as we have to begin packing for distribution to the families.
We are only able to accept drop-offs of NEW toys, Toiletries, Cleaning Products & Paper Products. If you are unsure if we are still able to accept a donation - please text me directly at (856) 685-6217. Drop-offs must be made in Voorhees, at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043 - we no longer have time to accept clothing donations, as we will not have time to sort/pack them.
Dec 12 2019; We have added families #13, 14 & 15. Please see their family's info here: Project Christmas Families - 2019. Remember - the families listed are NOT the only ones in need of our help. At any time, there are dozens of families on HOLD and STANDBY - meaning they have yet to be approved because we do not have the physical or financial donations to take on their family's needs. By donating to our GoFundMe - you allow us to be able to fill in the gaps- picking up any of the supplies those families need
Dec 6 2019; We are doing our best to get all of the 12 families information updated on our website. Please text us ASAP to schedule any donation pickups. If you are able to drop-off in Voorhees- please do so. Donations can be left by the door at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043 any time, day or night.
Dec 1 2019; We added families #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 & #12, more than doubling the amount of kids and adults we're helping to 21 adults and 37 children. The website is going to be updated constantly over the next few days with information about their families.
Nov 21 2019; Our Amazon Wish List for Project Christmas is online now - you can order gifts online and have them delivered directly to the Project to help the families in need! We shared the Project to all our Facebook groups - please visit our Facebook page to share to your social media friends as well.
Nov 18 2019; We're in the process of approving additional families and processing applications.
Nov 09 2019; We've posted the first four families to our 2019 Page - we've contacted previous donors and collections have begun. We urge you to contact us if you'd like to schedule us to pick up donations - or, as always, you may drop-off donations 24/7 at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043.
Nov 13 2019; We have posted the first Project Christmas families! ; Please view the families we are sponsoring this year HERE. We are still accepting applications (through Dec 15). Our Go Fund Me has raised over $500 so far - our goal to fully fund the project is $5000. We're 1/10th of the way there.
Nov 09 2019; We posted the winners of our Instagram Ghost Giveaway AND our Halloween Gift Card Giveaway!
Oct 30 2019; We updated our "Giving Back" page to reflect our current giveaways and winners of recent contests.
Updates made to Project Christmas page have gone live - applications are being received!
*Important* Adjustments were made to the application for Project Christmas. Applications that were completed before the official start-date will NOT be able to be processed. If you attempted to fill out an application anytime during the year, PRIOR to Oct 26- your application was not received. You must fill out a NEW version of the family application (They went live AT MIDNITE Oct 26, 2019.) We ran several tests to be sure the application is online and working - Any application completed after Oct 26th is being processed.
Oct 26, 2019; Project Christmas Applications for Assistance are live. This year's Go Fund Me is also active - please consider giving to our secure GoFundMe site! Our total goal is $5000 (To fully fund this year's Project)
Oct 16, 2019; Project Christmas 2019 site is live. This year's Go Fund Me is active - please consider giving. We need to be able to afford all the flyers/advertising and the storage units necessary to collect the donations for the families in need.
Sept 30, 2019; Preparing the site for Project Christmas 2019 - Please check out the Project Christmas page asap for IMPORTANT and urgent news!
Website News & Updates
July 25, 2019; New photographs added throughout the site (page headers). Font changed to make site more easily readable. Edited the "What we've built" page and updated Kaedin's world record attempt.
July 25, 2019; Kristie is recovering after a rough 8 weeks medically - she's finally getting all the remaining prizes from the scavenger hunt and the EDS Awareness Month Giveaways shipped out to the winners. We thank everyone for being patient and understanding during this time!
May 2019; EDS awareness month is in full swing - be sure to stop by our Instagram to check out all the amazing giveaways!
April 27, 2019; The Scavenger Hunt for 2019 Brickfest goes live - See it here!
April 10, 2019; We're working really REALLY hard to have our brand new site: www.WorldWideLegoGuide.com up in time for Brickfest- which is coming up QUICKLY....it's merely 14 days away! Our online scavenger hunt application is going up today - come to Brickfest to enter to win prizes!
March 8, 2019; We're posting updates to get the Brick Angels program launched as well as updating Kaedins project page in preparation to display his project at Philly Brickfest April 24-28th. We will also be getting the Final Report online from Project Christmas 2018, as we just recently finished distributing the remainder of this past year's donations to families in need.
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December 3-15: Constant updates are made to the Project Christmas page about the families were helping, what they need, and more.
December 2: Adding additional families to Project Christmas and sending out notices to families being placed on our waiting list is starting today. as contributions for the families are sorted- we will continue to add families from the wait-list to the approved families list.
December 1: Sadly, Our beautiful dog, Yogi, lost his eight month battle with Hemangiosarcoma. In the last 48 hours, we made three trips and spent one overnight at Upenn as a family - which meant updates to the site, and processing applications slowed during that time. Yogi was an important part of our family and is already missed SO MUCH. Kristie still made the donation collection stops in Williamstown,Sicklerville & Berlin - but some farther stops had to be rescheduled including Shore Points. If youre in a shore-town - please reach out as were coming your way later this week (Dec 8th) and next(Dec 15th)
November 21/22/23: We started adding the first of the families to the Project Christmas page! Check back for updated photos of the donations as they come in throughout December - at the Project Christmas Page The GoFundMe for 2018 is live - please visit the site to donate to help the families. We are currently up to 9 families listed on the Project Christmas page.We will continue reviewing and approving applications and notifying families over the next two weeks.
November 8: Updates to Project Christmas page continued. Began adding scheduled pickup areas for donations.
November 5: Updates to the Project-Christmas page (including current applicant info). Updated photos on Kaedin's Minecraft Project site. Prepared several pages that have been under construction. Created a "Thank You" page to help recognize those who assist with our fundraising, Project Christmas and other Pay-It-Forward projects.
October 18: Updates about Kaedin's Minecraft project and his participation at Minefaire 2018 in Oaks, PA. Minor site changes - social media streamed photo updates.
September 27: New Header photos (our favorite Sigfig travel photos - check out some of the best photos of our mini-me Lego family as we've traveled the country over the last four years. Each page of our website now features a new header photo!)
September 17: New information about upcoming events and the progress of Kaedin's World Record Attempt. New site is being built to host his pictures and videos of his Minecraft World Project! Here's the link to the new page (it'll be live soon! Keep checking back!)
August 23: Updated site with Project Christmas 2018 information - updated application for families. Added new photos from 2017's Project Christmas, along with impact statements from the families who participated.
April 15 2018: New blog posts updated, photos added to the site.
January 19 2018: Updated site photos, posted follow ups about Project Christmas.
We will begin updating the site in Nov 2022 to prepare for this year's ProjectChristmasNJ!
Last Year's Project Updates
December 8, 2021: *The pre-applications are now officially closed.* We had to close the pre-applications two days early this year because of the sudden, massive influx that we've suddenly received on the last few days, we're so sorry! If you've already completed a pre-application - you STILL HAVE until 12/10 at midnite.
Pre-approved families have just under 48 hours to get those necessary long-form applications completed so they can still be considered for sponsorship.
Remember - we're prioritizing families with Covid vaccinations- so if your family doesn't already have your shot - GO GET IT!
Our GoFundMe has increased thanks especially to one large ($500) donation - we sincerely can not even begin to thank ALL of our donors enough - but this donation especially was massive to the whole project and we simply can not thank you enough. We are so incredibly grateful that we've now collected $1585 - but we're still quite a ways away from being able to serve ALL of the very wonderful, very deserving families who have qualified for our help. In order to accept ALL the families who qualified -we would need to raise the FULL $4800 goal - so please - keep sharing the link - keep telling those who haven't heard - please let every one know what Project Christmas NJ does for our community.
You can give online by clicking here:
*Please remember* - Project Christmas has ZERO paid staff. We have ZERO overhead - as the Evans Family covers the entire cost to run this yearly project - so every single penny donated goes DIRECTLY to the families we serve.
(By "overhead / cost of the project" - we are referring to the actual costs to operate this yearly charity. Storage units for multiple storage units (one is yearly, several others we rent just during the holiday season), MANY many tanks of gas, thousands of black & white photo copies, website hosting & web development fees, Facebook & Instagram advertising, bags for clothing, sharpie markers, signage, etc- all of those very necessary yearly costs are covered by the @EvansFamilyLegoProject (Aka- Kristie and Justin Evans of Voorhees, NJ.) The cost to run the project, NOT including the rent for our warehouse, is approximately $4500 a year. We don't include the warehouse cost because we use the warehouse primarily for the Lego Project throughout the year, and from Oct-January Project Christmas takes over the space.)
2021 Project Updates
December 7, 2021: Today Kaedin and Kristie hand-delivered more than 400 flyers to families in Staffordshire Farms (Voorhees) and Short Hills (Cherry Hill). We will continue flyer distribution for the next week. Flyers are our #1 way of reaching new donors - and if you've found us (and our website) through flyer distribution - we THANK YOU sincerely for coming to check out what we do here at Project Christmas!
Due to a sudden MASSIVE influx in applications - we have had to stop accepting pre-applications early. (We had over 100 applications on Dec 6th & 7th alone). We will leave pre-applications online for families who have ONLY children under the age of 8 (as those are the families who it is easiest for us to serve) - and we will continue accepting the long-form applications from all the pre-approved families until midnight on December 10th. Remember- while we FULLY serve the sponsored families with ALL of their holiday needs (Tree/lights/ornaments/décor - household cleaning products - toiletries - gift wrap - clothing - and ALL needed gifts for all of their family members) - we ALSO provide SOME assistance each year (as much as is possible with whatever we've collected/raised) - to more than 50 families and upwards of 100 kids. While we could never sponsor ALL the families who apply - we do our best to assist ALL the families in whatever way possible - so the more donations we collect, the more items that are donated - the more kids & families we can help. There is NO limit to the number of families we'll serve - that ultimate bottom line is always based entirely on the amount of money in our GoFundMe and the total number of items we've collected as of the date we start packing for distribution.
December3, 2021: The GoFundMe account has raised $880 - we're still
December 2, 2021: Over 4,000 flyers will be distributed locally this week by our mother/son team. We have nearly 90 kids on our wait list that are not yet sponsored. Applications are only open 8 more days and final notices were sent to more than 15 families who haven't filled out a full application despite being qualified for assistance and emailed 4 reminders of the impending deadline (this happens every year sadly!) Our first ten families are sponsored & we're doing our vest to get the family bios up on our website.
December 1, 2021: Our team is packing clothing donations and has processed more than 200 bags of clothes in the past 72 hours. We're preparing to distribute trees and décor to 40+ families (10 sponsored plus our wait-list families).
November 24, 2021 Our forms crashed our website and we realized we were only receiving SOME of our applications. We tried to rectify this with Weebly- who first denied the issues, then admitted but couldn't fix them- it put us almost four days behind schedule but we rebuilt the forms and straightened out the missing applications - PICTURES from 2020 are now up on our website and Facebook!
November 21, 2021: Our team found a major issue with applications not coming in through our site. We posted reminders to CONTACT US ASAP if you didn't see your application status on our status page within 3 days.
November 16, 2021: We are once again so proud to be working with the wonderful team at Blessed Edmund Early education, who is collecting for Project Christmas; we're so thankful!
November 14, 2021: We're hard at work in our warehouse. We now have a donation trailer at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043 (same address as in the past)- for safe, on-camera, 24/7 all-weather donation drop-off, something we never had available before! This will allow us to spend less time loading and driving cars loads of donations to our NEW West-Berlin warehouse where we will be packing for the families instead of storage units this year!
November 11, 2021: The first three families are sponsored - they'll be notified today, and their profiles will go up on the site HERE ASAP.
November 8, 2021: Applications are open and text message alerts have been sent - our GoFundme is online an active, and this year's Amazon wish list has been made current and is ready for orders!
November 5, 2021: Pre-applications for 2021 will be open starting at midnight on November 6th, 2021:
Please check the application page at www.ProjectChristmasNJ.com to apply.
Past Project Christmas Updates:
December 06, 2020: We have rented THREE large storage units and have been collecting donations (as well as sorting items received over all of 2020). We have almost completed our sort, and we will continue to add all donated items, allowing us to have a complete over-view of what we have available to assist families. We currently have FOUR sponsored families, consisting of 11 children, currently approved for assistance - however, we've had over 70 applications with a total of over 100 children who still need our help!
Your donations are needed more than ever before. We can only approve new families for sponsorship as we receive the donations (both physical items and financial contributions) in order to be able to assist the families in need. We urge all donors to consider either contributing to our GoFundMe or by ordering from Our Amazon Wish List. These are the fastest ways to ensure that we can continue to add more children.
Nov 24, 2020: Our amazon custom Gift Registry has been added, so you can order donations for the families in need without ever leaving your home! If you would like to help contribute to the families in need, you can choose items directly from the kids wish lists (as well as the family's needs!) here: https://www.amazon.com/registries/custom/1KXRPLOGAXCC3/guest-view
November 22, 2020: The first 7 children have been sponsored and their family's wish lists are added to our website. We want to add more families ASAP, but need to increase donations! http://www.projectchristmasnj.com/2020-families.html
Nov 17, 2020: Necessary changes are announced regarding how Christmas 2020 will operate due to Covid-19. Updates can be found at www.projectchristmasnj.com
November 3, 2020: The pre-applications are live and have begun pouring in.
Oct 27, 2020: The Pre-Application form is now online and available. Those families who are eligible will be given a link to the complete long-form application. If you have filled out a long form application, you can see the status of your application within 72 hrs here:
October 14, 2020: 2020 Family assistance application Opening Date is announced and website is updated for Christmas 2020.
Project Christmas 2019 Past Updates:
Dec 19 2019; Applications for assistance are now CLOSED for the year as we have to begin packing for distribution to the families.
We are only able to accept drop-offs of NEW toys, Toiletries, Cleaning Products & Paper Products. If you are unsure if we are still able to accept a donation - please text me directly at (856) 685-6217. Drop-offs must be made in Voorhees, at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043 - we no longer have time to accept clothing donations, as we will not have time to sort/pack them.
Dec 12 2019; We have added families #13, 14 & 15. Please see their family's info here: Project Christmas Families - 2019. Remember - the families listed are NOT the only ones in need of our help. At any time, there are dozens of families on HOLD and STANDBY - meaning they have yet to be approved because we do not have the physical or financial donations to take on their family's needs. By donating to our GoFundMe - you allow us to be able to fill in the gaps- picking up any of the supplies those families need
Dec 6 2019; We are doing our best to get all of the 12 families information updated on our website. Please text us ASAP to schedule any donation pickups. If you are able to drop-off in Voorhees- please do so. Donations can be left by the door at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043 any time, day or night.
Dec 1 2019; We added families #7, #8, #9, #10, #11 & #12, more than doubling the amount of kids and adults we're helping to 21 adults and 37 children. The website is going to be updated constantly over the next few days with information about their families.
Nov 21 2019; Our Amazon Wish List for Project Christmas is online now - you can order gifts online and have them delivered directly to the Project to help the families in need! We shared the Project to all our Facebook groups - please visit our Facebook page to share to your social media friends as well.
Nov 18 2019; We're in the process of approving additional families and processing applications.
Nov 09 2019; We've posted the first four families to our 2019 Page - we've contacted previous donors and collections have begun. We urge you to contact us if you'd like to schedule us to pick up donations - or, as always, you may drop-off donations 24/7 at 1103 Hudson Ave Voorhees NJ 08043.
Nov 13 2019; We have posted the first Project Christmas families! ; Please view the families we are sponsoring this year HERE. We are still accepting applications (through Dec 15). Our Go Fund Me has raised over $500 so far - our goal to fully fund the project is $5000. We're 1/10th of the way there.
Nov 09 2019; We posted the winners of our Instagram Ghost Giveaway AND our Halloween Gift Card Giveaway!
Oct 30 2019; We updated our "Giving Back" page to reflect our current giveaways and winners of recent contests.
Updates made to Project Christmas page have gone live - applications are being received!
*Important* Adjustments were made to the application for Project Christmas. Applications that were completed before the official start-date will NOT be able to be processed. If you attempted to fill out an application anytime during the year, PRIOR to Oct 26- your application was not received. You must fill out a NEW version of the family application (They went live AT MIDNITE Oct 26, 2019.) We ran several tests to be sure the application is online and working - Any application completed after Oct 26th is being processed.
Oct 26, 2019; Project Christmas Applications for Assistance are live. This year's Go Fund Me is also active - please consider giving to our secure GoFundMe site! Our total goal is $5000 (To fully fund this year's Project)
Oct 16, 2019; Project Christmas 2019 site is live. This year's Go Fund Me is active - please consider giving. We need to be able to afford all the flyers/advertising and the storage units necessary to collect the donations for the families in need.
Sept 30, 2019; Preparing the site for Project Christmas 2019 - Please check out the Project Christmas page asap for IMPORTANT and urgent news!
Website News & Updates
July 25, 2019; New photographs added throughout the site (page headers). Font changed to make site more easily readable. Edited the "What we've built" page and updated Kaedin's world record attempt.
July 25, 2019; Kristie is recovering after a rough 8 weeks medically - she's finally getting all the remaining prizes from the scavenger hunt and the EDS Awareness Month Giveaways shipped out to the winners. We thank everyone for being patient and understanding during this time!
May 2019; EDS awareness month is in full swing - be sure to stop by our Instagram to check out all the amazing giveaways!
April 27, 2019; The Scavenger Hunt for 2019 Brickfest goes live - See it here!
April 10, 2019; We're working really REALLY hard to have our brand new site: www.WorldWideLegoGuide.com up in time for Brickfest- which is coming up QUICKLY....it's merely 14 days away! Our online scavenger hunt application is going up today - come to Brickfest to enter to win prizes!
March 8, 2019; We're posting updates to get the Brick Angels program launched as well as updating Kaedins project page in preparation to display his project at Philly Brickfest April 24-28th. We will also be getting the Final Report online from Project Christmas 2018, as we just recently finished distributing the remainder of this past year's donations to families in need.
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December 3-15: Constant updates are made to the Project Christmas page about the families were helping, what they need, and more.
December 2: Adding additional families to Project Christmas and sending out notices to families being placed on our waiting list is starting today. as contributions for the families are sorted- we will continue to add families from the wait-list to the approved families list.
December 1: Sadly, Our beautiful dog, Yogi, lost his eight month battle with Hemangiosarcoma. In the last 48 hours, we made three trips and spent one overnight at Upenn as a family - which meant updates to the site, and processing applications slowed during that time. Yogi was an important part of our family and is already missed SO MUCH. Kristie still made the donation collection stops in Williamstown,Sicklerville & Berlin - but some farther stops had to be rescheduled including Shore Points. If youre in a shore-town - please reach out as were coming your way later this week (Dec 8th) and next(Dec 15th)
November 21/22/23: We started adding the first of the families to the Project Christmas page! Check back for updated photos of the donations as they come in throughout December - at the Project Christmas Page The GoFundMe for 2018 is live - please visit the site to donate to help the families. We are currently up to 9 families listed on the Project Christmas page.We will continue reviewing and approving applications and notifying families over the next two weeks.
November 8: Updates to Project Christmas page continued. Began adding scheduled pickup areas for donations.
November 5: Updates to the Project-Christmas page (including current applicant info). Updated photos on Kaedin's Minecraft Project site. Prepared several pages that have been under construction. Created a "Thank You" page to help recognize those who assist with our fundraising, Project Christmas and other Pay-It-Forward projects.
October 18: Updates about Kaedin's Minecraft project and his participation at Minefaire 2018 in Oaks, PA. Minor site changes - social media streamed photo updates.
September 27: New Header photos (our favorite Sigfig travel photos - check out some of the best photos of our mini-me Lego family as we've traveled the country over the last four years. Each page of our website now features a new header photo!)
September 17: New information about upcoming events and the progress of Kaedin's World Record Attempt. New site is being built to host his pictures and videos of his Minecraft World Project! Here's the link to the new page (it'll be live soon! Keep checking back!)
August 23: Updated site with Project Christmas 2018 information - updated application for families. Added new photos from 2017's Project Christmas, along with impact statements from the families who participated.
April 15 2018: New blog posts updated, photos added to the site.
January 19 2018: Updated site photos, posted follow ups about Project Christmas.